My Etsy Site! (:

Monday, November 30, 2009

Nessie Complete?

Oops! Forgot to post those pics yesterday! Here they are!

Notice the subtle colors in the eyes- there's actually 5 colors making them up now. The background is a neutral cream, which really puts the attention on the gorgeous coat of the kitty. Many fine details were added, as well as a signature.

I could probably work on this painting forever, it was alot of fun. (:

Thanks so much to Patty for this opportunity!

Thanks for reading

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Working on Charlie and finished up Nessie!

Photos coming soon! Nessie looks similar but more "done" and I evened out her eyes. Charlie is done in a similar fashion. The sweater is 3/4ths done for Ms Amy!

Making progress!

Will post photos this weekend!

Thanks for reading

Monday, November 23, 2009

Nessie 5 x 7 progress

As promised, I started Nessie this weekend! She's already near done! She should be all finished by tonight, and in the process of being sealed up. Charlie is next- I plan on starting him in a few hours!

Here's some progress Photos for Nessie!

Thanks for reading, and if you want a portrait, order now! I have a couple spots open, but they fill really fast!


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Work resuming on Saturday, will go strong for a week or more.

Hello Everyone!

I am so wrapped up at work (I also have a full time, demanding management job) and finishing up a few customer's orders (in chronological order) the past couple days I have not been able to get to some of the projects I had hoped to this week. It's alright though, because the weekend is coming, then I have a week off, then another weekend! That's 9 days! I'll be able to do Nessie, The new Kitty (charlie?) and start any other painting. If you want anything else done... NOW is the time! I will have about 60 hours to work these next days, and I'm counting on YOU to keep me busy! Anytime not taken by a customer will be spent on making gifts for the holidays. (paintings!)

I apologize for those waiting- I promise I haven't been slacking for one instant! I have however, fixed up Finn, worked more on Boo Boo, and took care of a customer's graphic order who has been waiting patiently. Nessie is next priority and should take just a couple days. Then the three dog portrait if that's still happening, then Charlie. At night, I'm crocheting a new sweater for a customer who had sizing issues. (my fault, sorry Amy!)

Thanks for you're patience!


Sunday, November 8, 2009


Had to ask. Haven't had a comment in MONTHS. Wondering if anyone comes around!

Finn Progress!

I worked on Finn's portrait nearly all day!

Here's the results....

Current work!

It was a beautiful day! So I took all the paintings I'm working on outside for some photos!

I moved the eyes down and apart, fluffed him up, and shortened the legs. I raised the forehead, then the ears. It made a tremendous difference!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

BooBoo Progress again!

Something just wasn't right... so I widened the eyes, and lifted the mouth. Spent about 3 hours on this last night. Look better? It feels almost done to me! I'm working on it today- last details, and redoing another.

Friday, November 6, 2009

BooBoo Progress

Here's Mr. Boo x2 hangin' out in the park on a beautiful summer day!

Still in progress!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Walter, a bit more red

Before and After!

Here's the Walter Portrait which I think... might be complete! By the way, blog readers, are you

aware that you can click on the photos in this blog, and it will zoom in so you can see more


Also- I started a poppy mirror (new product) and worked (in vain) on the poppy box.

It's harder than it seams to seal paper onto wood without creases - and to get it cut down to

perfect size. It's also, I have found, impossible to cover up the marks left by the old hardware, even

with wood filler, a good sanding, 3 applications of woods stain, and 2 applications of sealant. It

appears I'll have to be creative in replacing this hardware so it looks nice. Didn't think it would

more than 20 minutes to do this. Oh, well! Live and learn, right? It's beautiful regardless- and

I'm not shipping it until it's perfect.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

New pet portrait progress!

Here are the next two pet portraits ordered by another new customer- both purchased together, and painted on these amazing 1.5 inch gallery wrap canvases I just got in! Look at the difference- you'll have to see them to believe them though, they look amazing!

I am really enjoying both of these paintings, and they are going really smoothly. Only thing is... I want to fit the names on, but how? Any ideas?

Monday, November 2, 2009

I has the flu- how 'bout you?

Oh no. I don't feel so good, and I have SO much work to do!

At least my 8 x 10 canvases and $175 worth of paint came in.

I've made lots of progress on the weekend, but if I really get sick from this, there won't be hardly

any progress for maybe days. ):

Today I stained the poppy box, and recieved some important art supplies to continue my orders.

Plus I worked all day. (cooking) I couldn't manage much else. I am taking the day off tomorrow.

Perhaps the whole day won't be a wash- maybe I can spend an hour painting, slowly- between


thanks for reading

Progress this weekend!

Here's what I worked on this weekend (plus the poppy box, which is in the shop drying from the wood stain) See anything familiar? I've got a start on a few paintings, and near complete with a few others.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

5 pet portrait progress

For Bridgett!